Perkahwinan yang diberkati oleh Allah SWT adalah apabila keluarga yang dibina oleh sepasang suami isteri mendapat keberkatan daripada Allah SWT bermula daripada perhubungan suami isteri, keluarga mertua, anak-anak serta perhubungan sesama manusia.
Perkhawinan yang diberkati Allah SWT adalah keupayaan kedua-dua pasangan untuk menjaga ikhtilat perhubungan tanpa wujudnya perasaan cinta di masa sebelum perkhawinan sehigga tibanya hari akad nikah...dan seharusnya alam percintaan itu wujud selepas mempunyai hubungan suami isteri yang telah sah dan diredhai oleh Allah SWT dan juga keluarga....
Hurm, susah jugak bunyinya tetapi itulah hakikat sebuah keluarga sakinah yang ingin dibina oleh setiap insan yang mukmin... Mendapat keredhaan Allah dalam kehidupan berkeluarga merupakan suatu anugerah yang tiada nilainya yang mampu membawa kita kebahagiaan yang kekal abadi di dunia dan juga di akhirat , Inshallah
Usrah malam nie kami mengupas tentang hadis berkenaan niat, "Innamal Akmalu Binniyat" .so better hafal this hadis..inshallah
Proff jgk cerita how was his tarbiyah was made during his younger age, form 3 at Mrsm Seremban..awesome!! and jugak style abes
And before usrah abes kami sempat dengar cerita proff about alam perkhawinan....very aspiring and soothing to the heart...
Marriage in islam is so beautiful and so sacred and we can actually as best as we can not to follow the adat of Malay wedding ceremony which we call it so source wasting and highly expensive...
Dont remember what was the main topic for usrah tonight but the things which strongly attached to my mind is about the marriage...ahaha. The sharing moment was made at the right time and at the right place like how Rasullulah SAW did when he was tarbiyah-ing a few childrens while they were eating, Rasullulah said "eat with your right hand and start taking food from the nearest place you can reach with your hand" Althought this hadith has been narrated about thousand years ago, we are still receiving the hadith up until now from mouth of the people who tell us...
"Sampaikan pesananku walaupun sepotong ayat"
I will never fall in love before my marriage because i want to get barakah in my life with my beloved wife and children...
Nurturing The Passion to Care
What a meaningful thoughts about marriage that you wrote,Salman...Mind if i share my views here??
Allah has created men and women as company for one another, and so that they can live in peace and tranquility according to the commandments of Allah and the directions of His Messenger. I believe that in Islam, Islam considers marriage as one of the most virtuous and approved institutions, right??
Yes, i do agree with you that some malay wedding ceremony cost quite huge amount of money and indeed some people thinks it's a waste. Then we have people who said that "This typical Malay mindset has to stop. So what if she wants to spend on her wedding like that? She DOES have the money." Sometimes, it blank me a while on how to reply..What do you think??
Btw, on your writing of "I will never fall in love before my marriage because i want to get barakah in my life with my beloved wife and children...", are you sure that they'll be no love at all?? just want to know, it's alright if you ignore this part, lol...
I think that's all for now..
Good luck for your final this week =)
Thank you for ur sincere opinion :)
yes u are rite, marriage is the only way on how a man and women will be united together in a sacred relationship which both of the spouse will find peace in each other...Inshallah
regarding the expenses...i simply like the idea that we must be moderate when we are doing something especially in our spending...btw, its not her money..its her future husband money..bukan ke, pihak lelaki yg kena tanggung semua not in my gender side..but, if this is happening...the adat only will cause the marriage as a burden kepada pihak lelaki..padahal Rasullulah sgt mengalakkan perkahwinan jika seseorang itu mampu, i like to share about my proff's son wedding...keluarga perempuan tu hanya meminta anak my proff untk menghafal satu surah from AlQuran as the mas kahwin...that sound so beautiful..padahal keluarga dua2 belah pihak sgt2 mampu...both are from a very successfull family and yet the choose to be simple..they are going to held the wedding in UK and proses akad nikah hanye berlaku antara keluarga proff and also keluarga sebelah di sebuah masjid di UK..what so special of having grand wedding ceremony if you think not really necessary to do it, if we can understand and we will find that being moderate will be more preferable in not saying by having grand wedding ceremony a wrong thing in islam, but somehow... it is true that Rasullah has adviced us in the hadith
Sabda Rasulullah bermaksud: "Perkahwinan yang paling banyak berkatnya ialah yang paling murah mas kahwinnya." (Hadis riwayat Ahmad).
its all about blessfulness in the what i tried to emphasize in my writing
yes, it is true..."In Quranul Karim Allah comparing women in Jannah with pearls to show how valuable are them " the best women in eyes of Allah is a women who will guard her modesty like guarding a pearl in a very safe and protected place..she will guard her iman and lower her gaze so that she will be the women which Allah has stated in the divine i would like to suggest you that a man with his sincere heart will definately choose the best women to be his life partner..boleh ke kite nak mempercayai pasangan kita yg dulunye pernah bercinta sebelum kahwin sedangkan hal itu adalah larangan dalam agama...your spouse pernah melanggar larangan Allah and can u feel trusting her.will she not to repeat the same thing after her marriage...kehidupan selepas kahwin jauh lebih mencabar sebab kata orang cinta sebelum kahwin itu buta dan perkahwinan itu pembuka mata..we will know our spouse so much better after kahwin and lepas kahwin kalu wujud perasaan tidak saling mempercayai then akan wujud masalah dlm proff cakap die x penah kenal isterinya before kahwin and yet they live happily. and some other people who i know...the bless in the family will Allah give to those who are guarding their relationship with his or her mahram...then how love can be develop after marriage is not impossible...becoz so many have did it and they are so happy and bless. :)...
Thanks sbb bincgkan psl hal nie.. dpt pengajaran dari entry nie..not to fall in love before marriage(evnthou nie antara ujian Allah yg paling besar buat hamba2Nya) and u have great reasons to not fall in love there.
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