Segala pujian dan syukur pada Allah swt yang telah menetapkan hati ini pada jalan agama Islam sehingga ke hari ini, segala puji bagi Allah swt kerana dengan nikmatNya dapat kita merasakan keindahan Islam pada hari ini, keindahan alam ciptaanNya, keindahan perasaan kecintaan kepadaNya serta keindahan untuk bercita-cita menjadi seorang rijal yang mampu memberi kebaikan kepada setiap makhluk ciptaanNya...
Menjadi rijal yang mantap memerlukan pergorbanan yang tinggi serta sentiasa konsisten di atas jalan Allah swt dengan mengikuti segala suruhan Allah serta berusaha sedaya upaya menjauhi kelalaian dunia...Rijal yang dicintai oleh Allah merupakan pemuda yang mampu menahan dirinya daripada godaan dunia yang bermacam-macam pada hari ini dengan tetap teguh kepada ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT...
Pada suatu petang, ana dan mustaqim membuat satu urusan ke subang jaya, suasana petang kelihatan aman damai serta penuh ketenangan...cuaca mendung menyejukkan hati serta pandangan, sedang dalam perjalanan, kami berbicara tentang keadaan diri kami sebagai rijal milik Allah swt yang penuh dengan kelemahan serta kekurangan...ana melantunkan kata2 risau serta khuatir keadaan diri kami yang selama ini dalam keadaan main-main serta tidak serius dalam kehidupan...banyak ketawa dan bersenang hati...kami bersetuju menyatakan bahawa ini bukanlah satu ciri rijal yang sebenar untuk menjadi penyelamat serta harapan umah..kami berdua terdiam memikirkan kebenaran penyataan itu...ana, pernah terbaca satu artikel yang telah diforwardkan oleh teman seperjuangan muslimah ana, tajuk artikel itu, mengapa para rijal harapan umah ramai yang hati mereka penuh dengan main-main serta tidak serius...banyak ketawa serta kekok untuk menyatakan kebenaran...bagi mereka penyataan kebenaran adalah sesuatu yang agak keberatan untuk di ucapkan
seorang rijal yang dalam hatinya penuh dengan permainan serta mencari kepuasan hati dengan kelalaian bukanlah seorang rijal yang mampu membawa diri serta orang lain ke arah kemajuan kerana hidup kita penuh dengan cabaran dan perkara-perkara yang realiti serta penuh pertanggungjawaban yang memerlukan seorang rijal mampu berfikiran matang serta tidak main-main dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan...bagi seorang rijal yang jiwanya main-main, tidak mungkin dia mampu membuat keputusan untuk umat serta sanggup bertanggungjawab atas keputusan yang dibuat melainkan dia benar-benar serta serius untuk memperjuangkan setiap amanah yang telah dipikul
Seorang rijal yang mantap telah dijanjikan oleh Allah di akhirat kelak berada di bawah naungan Allah SWT bagi mereka para pemuda yang waktu mudanya tetap yakin dengan janji-janji Allah serta menghabiskan waktu mudanya untuk jalan Allah, inshallah janji Allah pasti akan dilaksanakan kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha menepati janji-janjiNya. Rasullulah SAW telah berpesan, gunakanlah masa muda kita sebelum datangnya masa tua kita kerana waktu muda kita amatlah berharga untuk kebangkitan ummah,
kita tengoklah sejarah silam kita yang agung, pemuda-pemuda islam yang penuh keperwiraan seperti Tarid bin Ziyad mengetuai expedisi menghancurkan kezaliman di Sepanyol merentasi Selat Gibraltar pada seusia 17 tahun, Muhammad Al-Fateh menawan kota Constantinople pada usianya mencecah 21 tahun...serta anak angkat Rasullulah, Zaid bin Harithat mengetuai expedisi perang di bawah arahan Nabi Muhammad SAW ketika usianya juga belasan tahun..di sini kita melihat pemuda-pemuda islam lah pengerak kepada kebangkitan islam dan ana pasti di hati mereka penuh dengan kerisauan terhadap ummah serta jiwa yang penuh siap sedia untuk berjihap demi agama tercinta...mereka pemuda yang dihormati lawan serta rakyat jelata bahkan tentera-tentera yang gagah perkasa...mereka miliki hati yang penuh ketaqwaan pada Allah serta amanah terhadap tanggungjawab mereka...inilah pemuda yang patut kita contohi untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan ummah..inshallah
Ya Allah ya tuhanku, ampunkanlah kelalaian diriku serta teman-teman seperjuanganku serta tunjukilah kami jalan-jalanMu yang lurus. berikanlah kami taufiq dan hidayahMu agar kami terus menjadi rijal milikMu yang ikhlas memperjuangkan syariatMu...Ya Allah, kami tidak mampu berdiri tanpaMu maka bantulah kami dalam membuat setiap keputusan hidup kami, janganlah Engkau membiarkan diri kami membuat keputusan sendiri walau dalam setiap saat kami bernafas mahupun detik2 masa berlalu...pandanglah kami serta berkatilah masa-masa kami sesungguhnya kami lah hamba-hambaMu yang lemah serta memerlukan pertolongan daripadaMu
Nurturing the Passion to Care
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Allah will give you peace in your heart when you say the truth
Praise be to Allah, the sustainer of all living creatures, praise be Allah of His generosity and love toward His creature that He give us so many and yet He doesnt hope for return accept for the wellbeing of His creature...
Verily Allah has created the Jinn and Human to do Ibadah and to be the khalifah on the surface of the earth...
A true believer will always realize his/her existance on this surface of the earth for a quite specific reason ordained by Allah SWT.
It is true for me, Allah will give me peace everytime i know Allah has strengthen my words from His divine book of AlQuran, everytime i tried to turn back against the truth, i will be in great despair , everytime i tried to cross the bound of His commandment i will feel helpless and so weak..i ve no right to follow my heart for something which is wrong...we cant follow our nafsu all the time, we need to put our thought and action based on the teaching of Islam..we must suppress our ego, our madness, our superiority for the sake of Allah...when the words of Islam come into your ears than we must obey and have no bad intention to turn against it.
i really admit this, when a friend came and adviced me about my mistakes, i will feel bad and mad sometimes...but i cant protect myself by saying my mistake is a right thing to do..a mistake is still a mistake and it is forbidden in Islam..i cant force myself to protect myself by rationalizing what is wrong to be a right thing...i will suppress my anger and let the truth filled into my heart..i must correct myself and make thing better...MasyaAllah...i thanked Allah that He give me some patience in my heart so that i can follow His true path
and when the truth come into my heart, i will feel peace and my heart strengthen by the words of Allah, sometime, when we said the truth...people will hate us so much, people will go against us and they try to put us down so that the truth will be eliminated from our mouth and they can continue to do what they want, solely by following their nafsu...their heart is closed from the truth and Allah alone can open their heart because hidayah is belong to Allah SWT, when the words of Allah come and reveal all the truth, we will feel peace and those words will curse all the people who turn against it becoz we are all belong to Allah and we have no right to turn against Him.
Do whatever you like as long as what you dont go against Allah SWT and you will find yourself in peace and tranquillity in the earth and hereafter..May Allah protect those who always express the truth and give them barakah in their life...i will always prefer the truth than turn against it becoz in the long term, i will be very thankfull to Allah for giving me patience to bow to it even when my heart warring to accept it..PLEASE ACCEPT the truth and you will be saved.
Nurturing the Passion to Care
Verily Allah has created the Jinn and Human to do Ibadah and to be the khalifah on the surface of the earth...
A true believer will always realize his/her existance on this surface of the earth for a quite specific reason ordained by Allah SWT.
It is true for me, Allah will give me peace everytime i know Allah has strengthen my words from His divine book of AlQuran, everytime i tried to turn back against the truth, i will be in great despair , everytime i tried to cross the bound of His commandment i will feel helpless and so weak..i ve no right to follow my heart for something which is wrong...we cant follow our nafsu all the time, we need to put our thought and action based on the teaching of Islam..we must suppress our ego, our madness, our superiority for the sake of Allah...when the words of Islam come into your ears than we must obey and have no bad intention to turn against it.
i really admit this, when a friend came and adviced me about my mistakes, i will feel bad and mad sometimes...but i cant protect myself by saying my mistake is a right thing to do..a mistake is still a mistake and it is forbidden in Islam..i cant force myself to protect myself by rationalizing what is wrong to be a right thing...i will suppress my anger and let the truth filled into my heart..i must correct myself and make thing better...MasyaAllah...i thanked Allah that He give me some patience in my heart so that i can follow His true path
and when the truth come into my heart, i will feel peace and my heart strengthen by the words of Allah, sometime, when we said the truth...people will hate us so much, people will go against us and they try to put us down so that the truth will be eliminated from our mouth and they can continue to do what they want, solely by following their nafsu...their heart is closed from the truth and Allah alone can open their heart because hidayah is belong to Allah SWT, when the words of Allah come and reveal all the truth, we will feel peace and those words will curse all the people who turn against it becoz we are all belong to Allah and we have no right to turn against Him.
Do whatever you like as long as what you dont go against Allah SWT and you will find yourself in peace and tranquillity in the earth and hereafter..May Allah protect those who always express the truth and give them barakah in their life...i will always prefer the truth than turn against it becoz in the long term, i will be very thankfull to Allah for giving me patience to bow to it even when my heart warring to accept it..PLEASE ACCEPT the truth and you will be saved.
Nurturing the Passion to Care
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