Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Im speechless but i must be there, i dont have many things to say but i need to be there...maybe boleh menyerikan suasana kot...i never had any chance or excuses on how to skip a meeting, so bad...maybe it can be developd someday..eheh

Sometime, meeting took a lot of my time...which i think i can use to revise my lecture notes and do revision...
sometime i had 4 meeting in a day and worst still i had at least one meeting for one day.

I know this thing will help me a lot during my carrier life but how can i survive this challengefull medical study, owh i wish i can pass this medical study with flying colour and lead my life systematically during my future day

i started to dont like meeting during my study life and i hope it would not be happening in my future, i wish i can start my own life and stay away from organisation

i can do my work, im been injustice to myself, i ve put myself a lot of burden and i couldnt resist to keep adding burden into myself

I ve put my niat on everything i do it is because of Allah
Ive got nothing from human, i got fatigue muscle and mind...i got bad result for my exam
The only place where i can hope is Allah, if i die during my study life...i dont need to think about my future carrier as a doctor

Ya Allah, help me in my study or i wish to die in your way...still i need to do the best so that my amal will be accepted by You Ya Allah.

My mother dont like my involvement in college management, my lecturer hates it, my previous lecturer warn me not to involve, but Ya doing this because of You...i wish i dont involve in this from the 1st place, because of you i did sign up to be the one...You are the one who choses the leader among us, if you choose me please put me in str8 path...

Ya Allah, tuhanku yang Maha penyayang lagi Maha pengasihani...lindungilah diriku daripada sifat keburukan.
sesungguhnya Engkau Ya Allah sempurna daripada sifat kekurangan, segala keburukan adalah dari diriku sendiri...tunjukilah aku kepada jalanMu yang lurus dan selamat..

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah diriku daripada siksa nerakaMu jikalau sepanjang driku memegang jawatan yang Engkau amanahkan aku tidak mampu untuk menjalankan tanggungjwabku dengan sempurna...jika aku berbuat demikian maka itu bukanlah atas kemahuan imanku secara sengaja, maka ampunilah dosa2 ku dan tunjukilah daku jalanMu yang lurus...

Sesungguhnya aku berasa tidak kuat untuk ingkar kepada suruhanMu, aku lemah tanpa limpah rahmat dan berkatMu...aku tidak bernilai jika Engkau tidak memandang jiwaku dan hidupku

Aku memohon keberkatan dariMu untuk kesempurnaan kehidupanku


Nurturing The Passion to Care

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