Alhamdullilah, praised be to Allah on day and night, the beautiful creation of Allah all have been made for the purpose of human, specifically Allah has created this alam for human including the creation of angel and devil, all created because Allah wanted to show how Allah has uplift the degree of dignity in human being as the khalifah on the surface of earth, praised be to Allah for His love to all His creature that He sent down human to be His representative to bring peace and prosperous to the world.
if the truth has come for me, is that my heart feel so sad whenever i tried to go against it coz i know i cant go against the truth, its make me weak and sad becoz Allah is greater than my worldly choice. I choose to bow to the truth bring by Allah, im nobody without nobody to blame other who speak about the truth, it just my heart which keep strugling to get free from the batil and i must fight it to allow my heart to calmly to accept it. Even if run away from this world in order to escape Allah's rule, then all the thing and molecule in this alam belong to Allah including my body and soul, im nobody without Him...i dont want to surrender to my nafsu becoz Allah and His prophet were declaring war against nafsu as it is the biggest war in a muslim to fight against nafsu.
The syaitan is injecting the poison of weakness inside my heart make me feel helpless to face the world and it many people out there need my commitment and help and i dont want to become weak emotionally and spiritually becoz i follow my emotion too much
Ya Allah kuatkanlah hatiku kepadaMu agar aku memandang dunia itu sepertimana seorang dewasa memandang permainan kanak-kanak yang tidak mendatangkan kepuasan dan kegembiraan kepada hatiku,
sesungguhnya kita telah diciptakan untuk hidup lebih daripada sekadar mencari dunia malah lebih daripada itu, akhirat yang kekal abadi menanti dengan nikmat-nikmat yang lazat dan sempurna penuh dengan keindahan serta kebaikan yang berkekalan buat selama-lamanya...adalah tak berbaloi bagi diriku menangisi dunia sedangkan aku meninggalkan jalan-jalan ke akhirat, Nauzubillah
Ya Allah tunjukilah bagiku jalan-jalan mudah bagiku ke arah mencapai syurgaMu agar diriku dapat merasai kemanisan ziarah dan ukhuwah di dalam syurga yang kekal abadi yang mengalir sungai-sungai di bawahnya
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa kedua ibubapaku, dosa guru-guruku, dosa adik beradikku, dosa kaum kerabatku, dosa rakan-rakanku serta dosa seluruh muslimin dan muslimat serta dosa-dosaku yang telah lalu dan akan datang, sesungguhnya kami manusia biasa tidak terlepas daripada melakukan dosa kepadamu, jika jiwa ini melakukan dosa, maka smoga dosa yang dilakukan adalah dosa yang terampun olehMu..
Semalam di Rumah proff latiff
Sampai pada pukul 11.30 malam..solat isyak dan terus tidur....
paginya bangun pada pukul 4 pagi, untuk solat malam
selepas solat sunat witir terus solat subuh dan seterusnya bacaan AlQuran, surah Al-Buruj
Menceritakan/mengulas hadith Nabi Muhammad SAW tentang seorang pemuda yang mempertahankan akidah Islam selepas dipaksa oleh seorang raja yang zalim supaya tidak menyembah tuhan lain selain dirinya
Namun, akhirnya pemuda itu syahid di hadapan ribuan manusia yang datang untuk menyaksikan hukuman bunuh yang di laksanakan oleh raja yang zalim tersebut atas permintaan pemuda tersebut
A very good and thoughtfull story..a very good and wise approach of da'wah planned by the young man
May Allah blessed his soul among the martyr
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum Salman,
Apostle of Allah salallahu a’laihi wa salam said :
“The three things that anyone has, he would get his sweetness of faith, (that is) Allah and His Messenger are more beloved than others, and he loves someone only for the sake of Allah, and he hates to revert to disbelief (sins) as he hates thrown into the fire. ”
[Riwayah al-Bukhari, Muslim and others.]
Hope you understand it, do tell me if the recitation of Hadith is not the way it should be...I'm still learning towards Allah's Paradise..
Wassalam.. =)
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