Sound like im going get married really soon rite??
the truth is nope...i ve not choose anyone else to be my spouse, not yet i can see her from every faces i meet in my university, i just not sure who is she...but i know, she must be the most best person Allah has written for me in the book of destiny(Lauh mahfuz), a woman who will take care of me and my children with love and understanding given by Allah SWT.
why woman i give this title for her is becoz??, i know she must be a full responsible woman, adult and mature enuf to think for her children and her husband...she will guard her modesty and respect for me of my status of the leader of family..she will respect me even if she is having better qualification than i am becoz she will always understand that Allah has give her, me as her husband so that i will be guiding her throughout her life so that both of us will be united happily ever after until AlJannah..inshallah :)
Allah has choosed me, the best woman so that i can always motivate myself to keep on repairing myself to be best for her too... i cant expect to have really2 good wife if i cant make myself a good husband for such a great wife.. :) im preparing myself to greet her soon as my only and best wife in my lifee
i always dreaming of having solehah and soleh daughter and son someday...they will be my coolness of the eyes, and my wife will be their mother which will help me in guiding my children toward being a good muslim and muslimah when they are growing adult soon..ameeen Ya Allah!!!
Allah has stated in divine book AlQuran that a good man meant for a good women
"Vile women for vile men, and vile men for vile women; and virtuous women for virtuous men, and virtuous men for virtuous women; such are innocent of what these people say; for them are forgiveness, and an honourable sustenance." [An-Nur:26]
Ya Allah, kurniakan daku dari kalangan hambaMu, seorang isteri yang solehah serta mampu menjadi ibu kepada anak-anakku agar dia mampu memberikan contoh sebagai wanita yang menjaga maruah diri serta keluarga untuk membina sebuah keluarga yang bahagia mendapat redha serta keberkatan dariMu Ya Allah pengurnia segala kebaikan...Ya Allah jadikan lah isteriku penyejuk pada pandangan mataku serta menjadi ubat untuk hati yang gundah gulana, kerana bagiMu, jika Engkau ingin memberikan kebaikan kepada hambaMu maka tiada makhluk pun yang mampu menghalang atau menyekat kebaikan itu kepada hamba2Mu yang Engkau ingin kurniakan kebaikan...maka sebaliknya, jauhkan lagi aku daripada kemurkaaan daripadaMu atas kelalaianku..ameen
i would love her and protect her dignity becoz Allah has put responsible on me so that i will love and give what she need until for the rest of her life, and she will in return help me to be a good husband and good muslim as a daie for my family and people around me, inshallah
she will advice me of what is wrong and help me to serve Allah and we will pray and make dua to each other so that both of us will be in Jannah by abiding to Allah's commandment navigating our life...inshallah
Nurturing the Passion to Care
Jazakallah atas perkongsian yang mantap. Setiap hambaNYA ada keinginan yang sama. Moga diadaptasi dengan baik apabila sampai seru ke alam rumahtangga.
Seeru ‘ala barakatillah.
jzkklh atas dorongan dan doa :]
betul tu, semua orang memang inginkan keberkatan dalam rumah tangga kerana ia akan membuka jalan2 yang lebih mudah serta biah/suasana yg lebih sempurna bg menuju ke alJannah :)
Inshallah, smoga kita semua mendpat keluarga sakinah serta mendapat redha ilahi...
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